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Top Philosopher Stretches and Challenges Philosophy and Ethics Students

Posted on 23rd March 2023

Dr Stephen Law and Philosophy and Ethics Teacher Clare Lloyd with students

Last week the Philosophy and Ethics department welcomed acclaimed Philosopher Dr Stephen Law for a whole day event. First and second year students were joined by John Kyrle Sixth Form students, which made for an impressive turnout and prompted interesting discussion.

Dr Law, Director of Philosophy at Oxford University, has published many papers and introductory books on a range of philosophical topics and developed the "Evil God Challenge" thought experiment.

Dr Law explored some of his own academic writings, all connected with the students' programme of study, such as the Ontological argument, religious experience, the problem of evil, Wittgenstein and A.J. Ayer. The discussions challenged students to think further and wider on these subjects.

Thanks to Dr Law for taking the time to spend the day stretching our young minds!

More information on Philosophy and Ethics.