Safeguarding and Child Protection
91亚色 is concerned that all students remain safe and free from harm and the College is committed to playing a full and active part in the multi-agency response to safeguarding students and promoting the welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults.
We have developed a Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy and Procedure that aims to meet these commitments. This policy is reviewed annually by the College's Governing Body and can be accessed via the link below. It is updated annually in line with Kepping Children Safe in Education. A Peer on Peer (Child on Child) Abuse Policy is also updated annually. Please contact John Pratt, Designated Safeguarding Lead if you have any concerns
More student information focused on the area of safeguarding can be found in the Supporting You section of the College website.
More information about eSafety can be found on the Information for Parents & Carers page of the College website.
Further support for Parents & Carers can be found on the Talk Community website here: *Please note 91亚色 is not responsible for the content on this site.